Playing with the Pomodoro!

Farhan Zahoor
1 min readDec 31, 2020

A day started with new hope and challenges. Guys, it was the activity that makes my life amazing. I'm working with MNCs but unfortunately, I'm not well trained with Microsoft Softwares. I just watch many tutorials but didn't do any practice and because of them, I didn't get any advantage from watching those tutorials.

But today I started playing with Pomodoro (Alarm) about which we learned in AMAL online course. This technique helps me a lot. After applying the Pomodoro and AMAL instruction I was amazed at the work that I was trying to do for the last 30 days I done that workaround in 1 hr.

In this time I learned how to be focused and how to get more output from my work. The work that takes more than 3 hrs is just done by me in 25 minutes and I was surprised and very happy.


  • Excel Formulas
  • Excel Formatting
  • Focus on your work
  • SMART work
  • Work Productivity

After learning all these soft skills I was extremely happy and to follow the Pomodoro technique in my routine life. I hope this learning helps me a lot in the future and increases my productivity level.

